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OntoGui is a software tool providing a graphical user interface to support:
The fast evaluation of a T-box under development by concurrently instantiating a corresponding A-box, thus implementing a kind of test-driven development approach.
The generation of RDF data sets to be used as input for other ontology-based applications, without needing customized graphical user interfaces or data converters.
The main window of OntoGui is a Control Panel that can manage (networks of) ontologies The Control Panel gives also access to ontology tools like OWL Individual Manager.
OntoGui is developed as a desktop application in C++ making use of wxWidgets Cross-Platform GUI Library [2] for the creation of graphical elements, and the RdfCpp library. RdfCpp is a C++ library, based on Boost Library [3] and Redland RDF [4] (enabling the parsing and generation of RDF triples), that provides classes and functions to manage a network of RDF graphs, parse and generate OWL individuals, parse OWL axioms of a T-box (i.e., equivalent classes; subclasses; restrictions of any degree involving universal quantifier, existential quantifier, or cardinality constraints; domain and range of properties). Moreover, RdfCpp supports the connection with different RDF store solutions: (a) file-based; (b) Stardog triplestore [5].
OntoGui is currently available as a Windows application. The academic version of OntoGui can be freely downloaded and used for non-commercial applications:
The Root folder ($ROOT) is where the OntoGui executable (i.e. OntoGui32.exe or OntoGui32_academic.exe) is located. Several .dll are included in the root folder and must be available to run OntoGui. Depending on the configuration of the Windows operating system, it may be necessary to install the MVC++2010 Redistributable Package (x86 or x64).
The XML file «$ROOT/ConnConfig.xml» can be used to set configuration options. The folder «$ROOT/doc» contains documents. The folder «$ROOT/log» contains log file that may be generated during the execution of OntoGui. The folder «$ROOT/repository» is the default local repository.
Contact person: Walter Terkaj (CNR-STIIMA)
Please read the license in OntoGui_License.txt. In case of commercial application you can contact the author at wterkaj@gmail.com or walter.terkaj@stiima.cnr.it
When launching the executable the first time, a registration window appears:
1.Link to the web page for the OntoGui registration. This registration must be repeated for each workstation/laptop where OntoGui is used.
2.Enter the Activation Key generated after the registration
3.Check the Activation Key. If successful, the registration and activation will not be repeated as long as the software tool is used on the same computer.
Terkaj W (2017) OntoGui: a Graphical User Interface for Rapid Instantiation of OWL Ontologies. Proceedings of the Workshop Data Meets Applied Ontologies, Joint Ontology Workshops 2017, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 2050
Colledani M, Pedrielli G, Terkaj W, Urgo M (2013) Integrated Virtual Platform for Manufacturing Systems Design. Procedia CIRP 7:425-430. doi:10.1016/j.procir.2013.06.010
Terkaj W, Sojic A (2015) Ontology-based Representation of IFC EXPRESS rules: an enhancement of the ifcOWL ontology. Automation in Construction, 57:188-201. ISSN: 0007-8506. doi:10.1016/j.autcon.2015.04.010
Sojic A, Terkaj W, Contini G, Sacco M (2016) Modularising ontology and designing inference patterns to personalise health condition assessment: the case of obesity. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 7:12. ISSN: 2041-1480. doi:10.1186/s13326-016-0049-1
Terkaj W, Gaboardi P, Trevisan C, Tolio T, Urgo M (2019) A digital factory platform for the design of roll shop plants. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 26:88-93. ISSN: 1755-5817. doi:10.1016/j.cirpj.2019.04.007