
The configuration of OntoGuiWeb can be customised by setting a configuration json file with a specific schema. The configuration file can be selected by specifying the URL parameter config.


The app configuration is defined in a .json file according to a schema with the following root properties:

  • "endpoint": definition of the SPARQL endpoint to query/update an ontology. Its properties are:

    • "server": address of the server

    • "database": name of the database

    • "user": user

    • "psw": password

  • "sparqlDir": repository of the SPARQL query/update templates

  • "VEApp": configuration of the Virtual Environment App that can be launched by OntoGuiWeb. Its properties are:

    • "url": address of the web application

    • "repoMod3d": repository of 3D models

    • "repoAnim": repository of the animation sequences

    • "inputbase": base URL for input animation, environment, and configuration json files

  • "MQTT": definition of MQTT communication settings

    • "broker": URL of the broker

    • "sub_base_topic": base topic (that is customized with the addition of the graph name) for MQTT subscriptions

    • "pub_base_topic": base topic (that is customized with the addition of the graph name) for MQTT publishing

    • "QoS": quality of service (0, 1, 2)

Last updated