Modelling an assembly system using OntoGui
Last updated
Last updated
The assembly process is a combination of three stages: Adhesive joining, Spot welding and hemming. And the Final product is a result of joining the four components: Component1, Component2, Component3 and Component4 whereas WIP1 and WIP2 are the intermediary outputs during the process. The table below defines the input, output and processing time of each stage.
Enter the name of ontology module
click on create
open system design
Enter Component-1 in new
set the class as Workpiece Type
click on Create
Enter Component-2 in new
set the class as Workpiece Type
click on Create
Enter Component-3 in new
Set the class as Workpiece Type
Click on Create
Enter Component-4 in new
Set the class as Workpiece Type
Click on Create
Enter WIP1 in new
Set the class as Workpiece Type
Click on Create
Enter WIP2 in new
Set the class as Workpiece Type
Click on Create
Enter final product in new
Set the class as Workpiece Type
Click on Create
Enter assembly process in new tab
Click on create
Enter the name of process step adhesive joining
Set the class as Assembly Task
Click on add new
Click on Set Time
Define the unite of measurement as Minute
Define Probability of Distribution as Normal
Enter mean value
Enter standard deviation value
Click on save
Repeat the procedure for Spot welding and Hemming.
Select the process step
Choose the successor
Spot welding is the successor to Adhesive joining and hemming is the successor to spot welding.
Create a new system called prodsystem
Select Assembly system in class
Click on create
Adding machines
Enter name of machine M1 in the system
Click on add new
enter name of machine M2 in the system
click on add new
enter name of machine M3 in the system
click on add new
Managing the connections
select M1
select the downstream machine M2
click on add
select the machine M2
select the downstream machine M3 and upstream machine M1
click on add
select M3
select the upstream machine M2
click on add
select process step
select the machine to be assigned
click on add
open the Individual Manager under Ontology tools in control panel
Select OWL Class as IFcTaskType
Select the assembly process
Select IsNestedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as Assembly Task
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select adhesive joining
click on Save
Select OWL Class as IFcTaskType
Select the assembly process
Select IsNestedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as Assembly Task
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select spot welding
click on Save
Select OWL Class as IFcTaskType
Select the assembly process
Select IsNestedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as Assembly Task
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select hemming
click on Save
Select OWL Class as workpiece
Select the WIP1
Select IsDecomposedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select component1 and component2
click on Save
Select OWL Class as workpiece
Select the WIP2
Select IsDecomposedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select WIP1 and component3
click on Save
Select OWL Class as workpiece
Select the final product
Select IsDecomposedByObject in Simple class expressions
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Select WIP2 and component4
click on Save
Adhesive joining
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the adhesive joining
Select hasAssignedObject
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose component1 and component2
click on Save
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the adhesive joining
Select hasAssignmentTo
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose WIP1
click on Save
Spot welding
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the Spot welding
Select hasAssignedObject
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose WIP1 and component3
click on Save
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the Spot welding
Select hasAssignmentTo
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose WIP2
click on Save
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the hemming
Select hasAssignedObject
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose WIP2 and component4
click on Save
Select OWL Class as AssemblyTask
Select the hemming
Select hasAssignmentTo
Select Target Class as WorkpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose final product
click on Save
Select OWL Class as IfcTaskType
Select the assembly process
Select hasAssignedObject
Select Target Class as workpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose component1, component2, component3 and component4
click on Save
Select OWL Class as IfcTaskType
Select the assembly process
Select hasAssignmentTo
Select Target Class as workpieceType
Select Destination Module
click on Add Existing Target
Choose final product
click on Save
Click on add
M1 is assigned to adhesive joining, M2 is assigned to spot welding and M3 is assigned to hemming