
Configuration file «ConnConfig.xml»

The configuration file ConnConfig.xml can be modified to set the following properties:

  • LocalRepo to characterize the local repository in the file system with attributes:

    • path, i.e. the path of the local repository defined as relative to the root folder of OntoGui

    • serFormat, serialization format that can be rdfxml for RDF/XML or ntriples for N-triples

    • inSubfolder, value set to «true» if the A-box that are create must be placed in a dedicated subfolder of the local repository, «false» otherwise.

    • TboxFolder, subfolder of the local repository dedicated to store T-box ontology modules

  • StardogRepo to characterize the Stardog repository with attributes:

    • server, i.e. address of the Stardog server

    • database, i.e. selected database provided by the Stardog server

    • user, i.e. user credentials to access the Stardog server

    • psw, i.e. password credentials to access the Stardog server

  • RootDataModel

    • path, i.e. default T-box module that is imported by the A-box modules that are created

  • LocalRepoBinary

    • path, i.e. path defined as relative to the root folder of OntoGui that is dedicated to store binary files

  • SceneThreeD: settings to generate exchange file representing a 3D scene

    • ModelFiles, format of 3D models

    • Quaternion, true if quaternions are used to define rotations, false if Euler Angles are used

    • Zup, true if the Zup convention is adopted, false if Yup is adopted

    • LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)

  • ImportExport: setting for import/export .json files

    • InputFile, input file

    • OutputDir, output directory

  • ApertusVR: settings for export .json file representing a 3D scene for an ApertusVR-based application

    • ModelFiles, formats of 3D models that are accepted

    • OutputFile, output file

    • LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)

    • AbsolutePlace, set to true if absolute placements are used, false if relative placements are used

    • BlankNode, set to true if objects without a mesh can be added to the 3D scene

    • OutputDir, output directory

    • AbsPath3Dmodel, set to true if the path of 3D models is defined in absolute terms

    • AddModelTypes, set to true if the model of objects is included in the asset list

    • ArtifactHierarchy, set to true if the hierachy of artifact objects is represented in the 3D scene

  • BabylonJS: settings for export .json file representing a 3D scene for a babylon.js-based application

    • ModelFiles, formats of 3D models that are accepted

    • OutputFile, output file

    • LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)

    • OutputDir="BabylonJs/Scenes/"

    • AbsolutePlace, set to true if absolute placements are used, false if relative placements are used

    • BlankNode, set to true if objects without a mesh can be added to the 3D scene

    • AddModelTypes, set to true if the model of objects is included in the asset list

    • ArtifactHierarchy, set to true if the hierachy of artifact objects is represented in the 3D scene

  • OntoGuiOptions:

    • safeDelete, true if confirmation is asked before deleting an ontology module

  • OntoGuiSysDesignOptions: settings to customize the interface of System Design module

    • AssignmentClasses, list of resource types that can be assigned to process steps

    • AssignmentLabels, list of labels for the resource types that can be assigned

    • ElementClasses, list of element types that can be included in a production system

    • ElementLabels, list of labels for the element types that can be included in a production system

  • Animation: settings for the generation of 3D animations

    • InputLogFile, input log file to generate the animation.

    • InputClipFile, input .json file defining animation clips.

    • ReplicatesN, number of replicates of the animation sequence.

    • ReplicatesLag, lag between replicates.

Last updated

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