Configuration file «ConnConfig.xml»
The configuration file ConnConfig.xml can be modified to set the following properties:
LocalRepo to characterize the local repository in the file system with attributes:
path, i.e. the path of the local repository defined as relative to the root folder of OntoGui
serFormat, serialization format that can be rdfxml for RDF/XML or ntriples for N-triples
inSubfolder, value set to «true» if the A-box that are create must be placed in a dedicated subfolder of the local repository, «false» otherwise.
TboxFolder, subfolder of the local repository dedicated to store T-box ontology modules
StardogRepo to characterize the Stardog repository with attributes:
server, i.e. address of the Stardog server
database, i.e. selected database provided by the Stardog server
user, i.e. user credentials to access the Stardog server
psw, i.e. password credentials to access the Stardog server
path, i.e. default T-box module that is imported by the A-box modules that are created
path, i.e. path defined as relative to the root folder of OntoGui that is dedicated to store binary files
SceneThreeD: settings to generate exchange file representing a 3D scene
ModelFiles, format of 3D models
Quaternion, true if quaternions are used to define rotations, false if Euler Angles are used
Zup, true if the Zup convention is adopted, false if Yup is adopted
LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)
ImportExport: setting for import/export .json files
InputFile, input file
OutputDir, output directory
ApertusVR: settings for export .json file representing a 3D scene for an ApertusVR-based application
ModelFiles, formats of 3D models that are accepted
OutputFile, output file
LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)
AbsolutePlace, set to true if absolute placements are used, false if relative placements are used
BlankNode, set to true if objects without a mesh can be added to the 3D scene
OutputDir, output directory
AbsPath3Dmodel, set to true if the path of 3D models is defined in absolute terms
AddModelTypes, set to true if the model of objects is included in the asset list
ArtifactHierarchy, set to true if the hierachy of artifact objects is represented in the 3D scene
BabylonJS: settings for export .json file representing a 3D scene for a babylon.js-based application
ModelFiles, formats of 3D models that are accepted
OutputFile, output file
LengthUnitOfMeas, unit of measure used for positions in space ("0.01" stands for centimeters)
AbsolutePlace, set to true if absolute placements are used, false if relative placements are used
BlankNode, set to true if objects without a mesh can be added to the 3D scene
AddModelTypes, set to true if the model of objects is included in the asset list
ArtifactHierarchy, set to true if the hierachy of artifact objects is represented in the 3D scene
safeDelete, true if confirmation is asked before deleting an ontology module
OntoGuiSysDesignOptions: settings to customize the interface of System Design module
AssignmentClasses, list of resource types that can be assigned to process steps
AssignmentLabels, list of labels for the resource types that can be assigned
ElementClasses, list of element types that can be included in a production system
ElementLabels, list of labels for the element types that can be included in a production system
Animation: settings for the generation of 3D animations
InputLogFile, input log file to generate the animation.
InputClipFile, input .json file defining animation clips.
ReplicatesN, number of replicates of the animation sequence.
ReplicatesLag, lag between replicates.
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