OntoGuiWeb is a web application providing a graphical user interface for the instantiation and exploration of OWL ontologies. Like its original desktop application OntoGui, OntoGuiWeb aims at supporting:
The fast evaluation of a T-box under development by concurrently instantiating a corresponding A-box, thus implementing a kind of test-driven development approach.
The generation of RDF data sets to be used as input for other ontology-based applications, without needing customized graphical user interfaces or data converters.
OntoGuiWeb works on any browser that supports WebGL and no specific configuration of the hardware is needed. The same can be stated for the Operating System (OS). OntoGuiWeb is developed in JavaScript making use of libraries rdflib
, opn
, path
, server
, xmlhttprequest
. Source code of OntoGuiWeb is available upon request for non-commercial applications.
A demo of OntoGuiWeb is available.
Getting started
How to run OntoGuiWeb remotely
It is possible to remotely access the OntoGuiWeb application if it is installed on a server. If the server is active at the address $ServerAddress
, then the application can be accessed via browser at $ServerAddress/OntoGuiWeb/
A demo of OntoGuiWeb is available.
How to run OntoGuiWeb locally
The application is organized starting from the root folder named $OntoGuiWeb
, containing all the necessary tools and files to start working on your virtual environment.
Node.js and NPM are needed to run the application. If Node.js and NPM are not already installed, it is possible to download the latest (LTS) Node.js installer confirming the default settings. NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for JavaScript leanguage and is included in this installation. For installing the dependencies, open the command prompt, go to directory $OntoGuiWeb
and execute the command npm install
It is important to keep the original structure of the $OntoGuiWeb
folder to guarantee a correct execution of the application.
Running on Windows:
launch the application by double-clicking
and a browser page will be opened automatically
Running on macOS:
open the terminal in the root folder
run the command
sh OntoGui_launch.sh
and a browser page will be opened automatically
URL Parameters
The following parameters can be set in the URL of OntoGuiWeb application.
App configuration defined as a URI available on a server.
Scene to be loaded that is defined as a URI that is a graph available on a RDF store.
Environment defined a URI available on a server. The environment specifies cameras, lights, shadow, background options.
Animation defined a URI available on a server.
Path of the repository where the 3D models can be found. The file path of 3D models is defined relatively to repoMod3d
Path of the repository where the animation sequences can be found. The file path of animation sequences is defined relatively to repoAnim
Addess of a SPARQL endpoint of a RDF store.
Database/Dataset available on the RDF store.
Contact person: Walter Terkaj (CNR-STIIMA)
Last updated
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